Celeborn, Thranduil and a Potential Tree
An article on familial kinship
By all manner of gale and tempest might a tree wither, but as the blood of kin do its roots remain unchanging.
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Why does a cat go to assuage his curiosity when that
curiosity just might get him killed? Because the end result can be very rewarding
in what he discovers, no matter all the trials and efforts he underwent to
discover it (so the cat must think, anyway).
Celeborn and Thranduil are two well recognized Elven-lords
and are the source of much fan art and literature. Among the Tolkien fanbase of
those who write fanfiction or converse through participation in Tolkien-related
forums, there appears to be an underlying consideration that Celeborn and
Thranduil just might possibly be
related by blood. But the generally unspoken question remains hanging in the
air and most people seem to not either care enough to look into the subject
further, or are afraid of trying to.
And so I became curious. Are they related? I confess that I
was once one of the people who was afraid to toy with the notion of Celeborn
and Thranduil being (most likely) cousins, mostly because of the outrage it
causes when people go to insinuate that they have a familial kinship. Are
people truly so disgusted by the mere possibility that they might be related?
It appears so, as much as it appears fans would rather keep any pretenses of
similarities between them outside of the realm of probability.
But I decided enough was enough and it was time to discover
just how probable this possibility was. No direct canonical evidence exists to
either support or dismiss the idea of Celeborn and Thranduil being family,
however distant, but as aforementioned in the previous post, Tolkien doesn’t
provide all the answers we want on a platter. This is one puzzle where the
facts must be found and put together, and the facts taken from Tolkien lore
just might surprise some people.
To start, this evaluation of the relationship between
Celeborn and Thranduil is written in the acknowledgement of Tolkien’s rejection
of the concept of Celeborn being a Linda of Valinor, or to use a description
more commonly recognized, Celeborn being one of the Teleri who originated in
Alqualondë with the Quenya rendition of his name Teleporno.[1]
In all ends, Tolkien solidified Celeborn’s origins in being an Elf of
Doriath. And as a place to start, we must wait awhile before looking at
Thranduil and instead go back a branch in the family tree to his father,
Oropher. If Thranduil is indeed related to Celeborn, then Oropher was as well.
And now with the first bout of evidence:
Princes of Sindarin
In the Beleriandic society of the First Age, only very few
Elves were endowed with the title of “prince”. Now, as in the case of Faramir,
“prince of Ithilien”, the term prince
is intermittently used as an honorary title where the person may be of high and
noble birth, but not of the royal family. In the case of Elves, however, it is
far more commonly reserved only for those members of the royal family,
something proven in the case of Celeborn. Tolkien repeatedly attaches to the
Elf-lord's name “prince of Doriath” and, as Elu Thingol’s great-nephew, Celeborn
really is a member of the royal House of Elwë.
Oropher: Though Oropher (and by default Thranduil) is, as
generally known, of Sindarin origin, Tolkien considered his identity delicate
enough as to place and discuss him in a segment of restricted content dedicated
only to the “Sindarin Princes of Silvan Elves”. And what Tolkien writes should
not be dismissed lightly: “Oropher had come among [the Silvan Elves] with only
a handful of Sindar, and they were soon merged with the Silvan Elves, adopting
their language and taking names of Silvan form and style. This they did
deliberately; for they came from Doriath
after its ruin and had no desire to leave Middle-earth, nor to be merged
with the other Sindar of Beleriand, dominated by the Noldorin Exiles for whom
the folk of Doriath had no great love. They wished indeed to become Silvan folk
and to return, as they said, to the simple life natural to the Elves before the
invitation of the Valar had disturbed it.”[2]emphasis
So, we have Celeborn and Oropher both princes of Sindarin
origin and both coming from Doriath. Let’s keep going.
As a side interest for this particular topic, I want to
include Amdír into the equation in being related to Celeborn, particularly
since C. Tolkien acknowledged the insinuation of possible kinship between
Thranduil and Amdír’s son Amroth[3].
For those who might have difficulty remembering, Amdír was a lord of the Elves
who traveled beyond the Misty Mountains with Oropher and Thranduil and their entourage at
the beginning of the Second Age[4]
and, whereas Oropher became King of the Silvan Elves of Greenwood the Great,
Amdír was the one who traveled south and found the Nandorin Elves of Lórinand
(renamed Lothlórien when Celeborn and Galadriel took over the guardianship).
Amdír became King of Lórinand and died at the Battle of the Last Alliance,
thusly passing the kingship of the Nandor down to his son Amroth. Despite the
unimportance of including him, it’s of interest to note that Amdír is also “a
prince of Sindarin origin”.[3]
Furthermore, it might be significant to note that Celeborn, Oropher, and Amdír (and Thranduil, certainly) all possess an inherent lordship that few outside of the royally born (or highborn, by a stretch) would possess. All are Lords among the Eldar. Celeborn proves many times capable of ruling and leading and eventually rules his own realm of Lothlórien in the Third Age. And both Oropher and Amdír became Kings of the Wood-elves of their respective forests. The art of governing and kingship, in those days, were not taught to and learned by a mere nobody.
Now, one might argue (fairly) that the evidence of Celeborn,
Oropher and Amdír being princes of Doriath is not enough evidence to suggest
familial kinship, even though the only way to be a “prince” is to be a member
of the royal family. Yes, the aforementioned evidence creates the possibility, but it’s still too vague.
Okay, so more evidence, stronger evidence, is needed.
The Importance of Names in Celeborn’s Family:
From the start, no matter what presumption or theory, it is
strictly safe to declare that Oropher has no place in Elwë’s (Thingol’s)
family tree, as Tolkien clarified without doubt who was who in Elwë’s family,
due to the importance they play in the narrative. The same can be said with
Olwë, as he removed to Aman at the very beginning of the story. And while that
may look to eliminate all of Celeborn’s family to place Oropher in, Tolkien still
leaves one other person to lean on: Elmo,[1]
the younger brother of Elwë and Olwë who loved Elwë so greatly that he
remained with him in Beleriand instead of crossing the Great Sea with Olwë and
the Lindar (name of the Teleri in Aman). Elmo, the head of Celeborn’s family.
But the family is not so much important as is the translation of their names.
[The meaning of Elven names is definitively important in
Tolkien’s world, as the ‘language’ and the ‘literature’ are so closely
interwoven. Now, when it comes to the translation of the names Tolkien never
provided us a direct translation for, always be aware of the 1% room for error
and uncertainty. C. Tolkien said that tracing the history of the narrative was
enormously easier than figuring out the “astounding complexity of the
phonological and grammatical evolution of Elvish languages.”[5] So yes,
always 1% room for error. Tolkien’s narrative is essentially a large
compilation of accounts of loremasters, and thusly the languages interwoven
with that history are not a simple historical fact to find, but an unstable view of
what that history was. And to further the possibility of error in translating
names, the outer conceptions of Elvish languages underwent change, sometimes
profound, as the “old” transformed into the present languages utilized by
Elves.[6] This
is not something of concern, but always there is that 1% room for error.]
ELMO: Elmo was
one of the Elves who Awoke at Cuiviénen. No direct translation of his name was
provided by Tolkien (indeed, only a few names of Elves at Cuiviénen can be translated, due to the provisionary lack of lessons on the archaic structure of Primitive Quendian, first
language of the Elves). If a translation of Elmo’s name is attempted, the most
accurate meaning is probably “enthralled by stars” (which is
appropriate, considering he Awoke beneath the stars, the first things he ever
saw; “their eyes beheld first of all things the stars of heaven. Therefore they
have ever loved the starlight.”[7]).
· EL- “star”,
its meaning in every dialect (Cf. Eldar
= “people of the stars”; Elentári =
Quenya “Star Queen”; Elrond = Sindarin
· MO-
“slave, thrall”, a derivative taken from the root MŌ (Cf. mólanoldor ~ the Noldor enslaved by Morgoth)[5]
His name is unimportant to the point being made due to his
existence at Cuiviénen, but then Elmo had a son named:
GALADHON: literally
meaning “trees”, his name being the plural of the Sindarin noun’s
singular “galadh” (Cf. Caras Galadhon
= “City of the Trees” in Lothlórien). And then Galadhon had two sons: Celeborn
and Galathil.
CELEBORN: meaning
(In Celeborn the suffix -orn was common Doriathrin for “tree”[5]).
GALATHIL: meaning
“silver-tree”. [It may raise a question as to accuracy in that
Celeborn’s and Galathil’s names both have the same meaning, but different spellings. But according to
“The Etymologies” Galathil’s name is structured more in adherence to the
language of Sindarin while Celeborn’s was constructed with the older dialect of
“tree”, taken from the singular noun “galadh”, and an honorary inherence from
his father’s name.
“silver sheen”, the adjective in the First Age being the root for Ithil, a poetic name for the Moon, but
its more literal meaning is “silver-colored substance” (Cf. Galathilion ~ a Sindarin name for
Telperion, Elder of the Two Trees)[5]
Galathil then had a daughter:
NIMLOTH: the wife
of Dior Eluchíl, her names means “white blossom”.[9]
In these name translations, can there be detected any
specific pattern? Yes: Elmo’s descendants all have noticeable tree-names. And Tolkien made it a point
of fact that all of “Celeborn’s close kin had ‘tree-names’.”[8]
And lo and behold! What does “Oropher” mean?
literal translation is “high beech-tree”. What do you know? Another
· ORO-
“high”, a base-meaning of the adjective root RŌ (Cf. Orthanc = “Mount Fang”; orthad
= Sindarin gerund for “to rise”)
“beech-tree”, the stem originating from Primitive Quendian and found nearly
identical to Old Noldorin “pheren” and Quenya “feren”, which carry the same
AMDÍR: (thrown in
for good measure, however unrelated he might be to this objective) a finalized
translation would be something like “adult elm-tree”…Interesting –
another tree-name.
· AM-
“elm-tree”, the derivative of the Danian stem “álam” (the root al- was later added)
· DÍR-
“adult male”, the surviving proper adjective of the archaic root “dîr” in Old
THRANDUIL: It is commonly known that his name translates to "vigorous spring" among the fandom, which fits in with this very supposition, but there is a further possibility as to the meaning of his name. With
Thranduil it gets interesting, and this is because with that second possibility he himself breaks away from
the pattern of being bestowed a “tree-name”. But not for no reason, I suspect. His name was also, personally, the
most difficult to dissect and generate some idea of its translation (here’s
where that 1% room of doubt can enter in particularly, I suppose). As close as
I can get it, the finalized translation of Thranduil’s name is something along
the lines of “to go across/beyond all rivers”. Thranduil actually has a
prophetic name, and this is rare among Elves. So while in this he broke the practice of
tree-names, it’s legit to say it was with reason, as he was given a greater
name than a traditional tree-name. But Thranduil picked it up again with his
son Legolas, which all know means “Greenleaf”.
the beginning of the name is composed of two Sindarin roots: thar- “across, beyond” and ran-
“wander, stray” (Cf. Tharbad =
“?Crossway”; Mithrandir = “Grey
· DUI-
“river, water”, derivative of Beleriandic noun “duin” (Cf. Anduin = “Great River”; Baranduin
= “The Brandywine”; Bruinen =
“Loudwater”: all rivers found in Middle-earth)
· IL-
“all”, Sindarin derivative of root “ilu”, which means “universe” (Cf. Ilúvatar = Quenya “All-father”)[5]
[The complexity of the names of Celeborn, Oropher and Amdír
is a plausible testament to those Elves’ possible “old age”, for the roots of
their names are either archaic in form or originate in the pre-existent
linguistic structures of Primitive Quendian (the common tongue before the
sundering of kin), at the time when the language began to mutate into presently
spoken Quenya and Sindarin.]
So, Galadhon means “trees”, Celeborn “silver-tree”, Galathil
“silver-tree”, Nimloth “white blossom”, Oropher “high beech-tree”, Amdír “adult
elm-tree”…that is a lot of tree-names for Elves coincidentally titled “princes of
Sindarin origin” (with the exception of Nimloth, who is bestowed the title
“princess”). And let it be remembered that, according to Tolkien, the kinsmen of Celeborn had tree-names. It is canon word for word.
But someone might further argue, “Names aren’t a big deal.
It’s just a coincidence.” Well, though Tolkien might have a thing or two to say
about that, fine. “Princes of Sindarin origin” and “tree-names” isn’t enough to
be convincing. Okay, fine. Let’s bring in even more evidence.
It is within logic to presume that Oropher belongs somewhere
in the Elwë-Elmo-Olwë genealogy chart, not just because of aforementioned
canon, but also because of two lines in The
Fellowship of the Ring. The first line comes from Legolas, when he protests
being blindfolded while entering Lothlórien: “I am an Elf and a kinsman here.”[10] In my
studies of Tolkien’s narrative, I’ve gradually noticed how very careful Tolkien
is, not only applying words, but also when applying “kin, kinsman, and kindred”
to his creations. By my own reckoning, Tolkien generally used “kindred” in reference
to Race (as in Elves, Dwarves, Men, Valar, etc.), and he used “kin” in
reference to one’s relation to each race (like Aragorn at the Argonath, naming
the Númenóreans his “kin” by virtue that they were of the same Race, not
family. Thusly also comes the base definition of “Kinslaying” or why the
Amanian Elves might say their “sundered kin” when referring to the Elves in
Beleriand). And then, Tolkien uses “kinsman” to indicate actual blood
relatives. (Nimloth, niece of Celeborn, is “kinswoman to Celeborn”. Círdan is
the “kinsman of Thingol and Olwë.”[13])
Now, Tolkien was not perfect with this as there was a
notable (but not major) lack in consistency when applying these three terms.
But if we dare apply such inconsistency, then in “I am an Elf and a kinsman
here”, since Legolas has already clarified that he is, indeed, an Elf, it
appears a tad illogical to interpret “kinsman” in reference to “Race” or
“fellow Elf”, as he would then be saying “I am an Elf and an Elf here” in place
of “I am an Elf and a kinsman here.”
The second line of significance is in second part of Lord
Celeborn’s greeting to Legolas: “Too seldom do my kindred journey hither from
the North.”[11] Now, here is a glimpse of Tolkien’s rare inconsistency. So this
quote may seem contradictory, since Tolkien generally uses “kindred” to mean
“race”. But in this particular sentence, such an inference makes little sense
as the word is prefaced by “my”. It should be considered rather interesting and
telling that Celeborn uses a possessive when referring to “kindred”. If “kindred”
is intended with its literal definition in this greeting, then one would expect
Celeborn to say, “Too seldom do *our*
kindred journey hither from the North.” Recall also what Haldir spoke as he led
the Company through the eaves of Lothlórien: “Even our own kindred in the North are sundered from us.”emphasis mine (in reference
to the Silvan Wood-elves, opposed to Nandorin Wood-elves) In the book, unlike
the movie, Celeborn was surrounded by Elves as the Company was presented to the
Lord and Lady. And being so surrounded by fellow Elves, it’s rather peculiar of
him to single himself out by saying “my
kindred” instead of “our kindred”, as
Haldir did. From such a careful phrase alone, to me at least, the only
insinuation here is a shared, unidentified relationship between Celeborn and
So, that then leaves the ultimate question: how? How are
Celeborn and Oropher (and thus Thranduil) related? It has already been ruled
out that Oropher could be among Elwë’s or Olwë’s immediate family tree, Oropher
(and Amdír) has a name that fits the tree-name pattern of Elmo’s descendants
when no other family has these roots. And on top of that, all of them are
princes of Sindarin origin, all coming from Doriath. And as a side note, one
should not dismiss the rather paramount fact that Oropher has Vanyarin heritage
somewhere in his blood, for Thranduil is described to have “golden hair” (and
only those with Vanyarin blood have golden hair). So: status of prince, inherent
lordship, Sindarin origin, home in Doriath, name involving a tree….It is
difficult to see how one could not at
least be persuaded to consider the rather convicting possibility of unmentioned
blood relations.
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How could Oropher fit in Celeborn’s family tree? At the
best, they are cousins of some sort. And really, creating plausible connections
on the tree to confirm blood ties through being cousins is open to a whole
array of speculation. In such theorizing, nothing is iron-clad. But the saving
grace from such a blockade is the very real probability that Tolkien left a
child out of the mentioning, probably a second child of Elmo. Tolkien initially
created Elmo’s individual family tree as an afterthought in order to prove
Celeborn’s close kinship with Thingol, since Tolkien wanted to make such
blood-relations absolutely clear.
And all the names mentioned were important to the narrative: Celeborn, for reasons we know, and
Galathil because of his daughter Nimloth wedding Dior, Thingol’s heir. And for
those who have studied Tolkien’s lore intensively, one would notice how Tolkien
appears to have had the habit of being a little disorganized in the
introduction of characters’ names and families. It’s in a sense of, “The Elf
was named‘this’ and he did blah blah blah. Oh! And he had a sister! Oh! And
she married somebody too.” While all names are legit in their placement and
meaning, there is a sense in the narrative that they were introduced when it
was their turn to “pop up” in the story. And only those names of some measure
of importance were mentioned. Naming another child of Elmo purely for the sake
of identifying close kinship between Celeborn and Thranduil (a familial
relationship not even necessary to know for anything) would have been unimportant
when placed on the grand scale of Tolkien’s world.
So, are Celeborn and Thranduil related? It’s up to you to
decide. There is that always present 1% room for doubt, but with all the “hints and
innuendos” Tolkien gave us it would be difficult for one to endeavor to disprove they are related. Oropher (and
even Amdír), in some way, is part of Elmo’s family tree, and thusly is
Thranduil then (younger) cousin to Celeborn. Tolkien does not provide detail on
the connections of a family structure and how they are related for everybody,
for even Eöl is confirmed to be a kinsman
of Thingol[12], yet
Tolkien never clarifies how.
But the very concept of Celeborn and Thranduil being related
by blood and the evidence provided to support it is one further scrap of
evidence that Tolkien did not want to provide all the answers on a platter. Let
his readers be open minded and work to discover the answers for themselves.
1. The History of Galadriel and Celeborn and of Amroth King
of Lórien UT.244
2. Appendix B, the Sindarin Princes of the Silvan Elves UT.272
3. Amroth and Nimrodel UT.255
4. Appendix A, the Silvan Elves and Their Speech UT.269
5. HoME The Etymologies V.377
6. The Battles of the Fords of Isen UT.378
7. Of the Coming of Elves Silm.48
8. Appendix E, the Names of Celeborn and Galadriel UT.279
9. The Silmarillion
“Index of Names”
10. LotR Lothlórien I.362
11. LotR The Mirror of Galadriel I.370
12. Of Maeglin Silm.133
13. HoME Last Writings – Círdan XII.387
I personally think that Celeborn and Oropher are related and it is because of these facts that you have described. Though this also means that Oropher, Thranduil, and Legolas are related (distantly) to Cirdan, and I find that very fascinating!
ReplyDeleteWonderful Artificial! I hope to read more! :)
Winged here. That was rather enlightening and, I must admit, amusing when I got to the "tree-names" part. I do not doubt the authenticity of any of the research you have written here, and I believe personally that the "tree-names" trend is too much of a pattern to be coincidental. I see what you mean now when you've written to me once stating that "Thranduil likes to be difficult" :).
ReplyDeleteI have never doubted that Celeborn and Oropher (and hence Thranduil) are related. I'm surprised at your revelation that people are disdainful of the connection. I certainly see no reason to be disdainful, unless, perhaps, the person is inclined to be biased toward one side and demeaning toward the other, in which case I hardly see why one should value such a person's opinion. Perhaps you can give me a bit of insight on some people's arguments against this essay as well :)? One must know an enemy well to retaliate.
While I was going through your arguments for the "tree-names", I had an epiphany of sorts that I have to share. I have dedication to the canon but certainly not nearly as much as yours, so I have not delved too deep into Sindarin history, and please correct me should my memory of the details be false. Thranduil, as I know, was born before Oropher moved and settled with the Silvan Elves. That is to say, before Oropher had moved, he was known to have stayed in Doriath. You have said that Thranduil possesses a "prophetic" name - that is, provided that your translation is accurate and free of the 1% potential error (which I totally believe to be the case) - and that is highly unusual among Elves. If the name is truly prophetic of Oropher's relocation and is truly chosen with reason, then, as not many in Beleriand possess the gift of foresight, it is possible that Thranduil had been named by one of the rare kinsmen who DO possess foresight. Who in Doriath possesses foresight? Elves are not known to possess it. The first I think of is none other than our favourite Melian.
This may be far-fetched, but not impossible. Should Melian truly have given (or suggested) Thranduil a prophetic name, her connections - and hence Thingol's connections - with Oropher were certainly of a close kind. Perhaps Oropher was not only a kinsman of Thingol's, but a very familiar one at that. But of course this is all theory, and has no concrete proof to back it up :P. I am better at wild imagination than leafing through details...
While I was flipping through my copy of Silm. to look fore clues, I have also noticed (which I ought to have noticed long before) that Eol resides in the same forest in which Thingol and Melian had met. That can't be a coincidence, can it? Does this suggest a closer kinship than we have imagined as well? Sometimes one can be so torn towards what to feel about Tolkien's ambiguities in his writings :p.
In any case, thank you for sharing this insightful essay! I was certainly very amused and astonished by it :). Will move on to the other essay soon, and hope to see more of these lovely essays on this blog soon!
All the best,